Friday, September 10, 2010

Fashion Week: Day 1

I realize that there is no way I can cover everything I do in a given day during this period on here. (although today was a slow day and I am still up at 3:15 writing this post!) So I'm going to pick a favorite day and favorite night look. Jessica is my pick for day and because I love you I even found out what she's wearing (it is fashion week after all!) The blouse and shorts are Fremont, the shoes - which I openly covet–are from Barney's and her sunglass are Dolce & Gabbana.
The night look is equally fantastic but sadly I didn't get her information!

meandrichardAnd lastly, and admittedly somewhat randomly, I'd like to introduce you to Richard "totally cool" Renda who –if you've ever been to the tents– you may have seen around. I don't know what his official title is but he is the photographer in charge of the pit and I like to think of him as the Ringmaster of the offstage circus...okay it's time to go to bed to get up and do it again!

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