Sunday, June 28, 2009

Literary Superstar Calls The Hills 'Genius'

It's not just us teens and twenty somethings that like The Hills, intelligent middle-aged men like The Hills, too! Bret Ellis is the acclaimed author of Less Than Zero who was has been called a literary superstar since he was twenty.

Ellis is now working on the sequel to Less Than Zero which is tentatively titled Imperial Bedrooms. He recently was interviewed by a high-end, Amsterdam-based magazine, Fantastic Man - which, by the way, is $11 per issue.
To our great surprise and delight, Ellis called The Hills, "the greatest show that I have ever seen in my life" and thinks it is genius! Here is an excerpt from the interview:

"I think THE HILLS is the greatest show I have ever seen in my life," he says, sincerely. "It is a modern masterpiece. I think that ADAM DeVILLO is a mad genius. He creates it and controls it perfectly." Mr. ELLIS is very specific about the way he watches THE HILLS. "I'm holding off on Season 4 right now. I started watching a bit of it, but I'm waiting until the DVD comes out because I want to see it all so beautifully mastered. Even if you download the show there is that irritating MTV logo in the corner. It doesn't work for me that way. It has to be on a big screen with the sound right up. It blows me away...I'm sorry, but whoever invented HEIDI MONTAG and SPENCER PRATT are just...nothing matches it. I've never see L.A. look more beautiful in a work of art. There are no movies that are as beautiful as that."
Defamer describes The Hills as a tame, boring drug-less version of Ellis' book Less Than Zero and wonders, was Less Than Zero the predecessor to The Hills? Do we blame Ellis for Speidi? I think I need to get a hold of this book! And can they make it into a movie please?

Or has Ellis just been in Amsterdam a wee bit too long - if you know what I mean? The world will never know. For now we will just have to be content with a 'literary superstar' seeing the genius that we all knew was there in our beloved Hills.

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